Monday, January 21, 2013

Three Wolf Moon - The Improved Sketch Version

So I've got a (somewhat) new T-shirt design concept to share...but this might need a little backstory.

See, I like wolves. And the moon is pretty cool. However, this shirt utilizes those two things with admirable yet terribly unfortunate reckless abandon.

Complemented nicely by a well-groomed mullet.

It's been over four years now--that thing is damn near internet-legendary for its incredible density of awfulness, and it has spawned hundreds of witty snark-laden Amazon reviews.

A thing of beauty.

The artwork itself isn't bad--it just looks very...garish, on clothing. Yeah, that would probably be a good word. Garish. Excessive. Kitschy perhaps. But wolves deserve a better shirt, damn it! And thus, I improved upon the original:

Holy crap! Look at that detail!

Now this version can appeal to most everyone: the young, the old (?), the hipster, the "hipster", the minimalist, the geek, the cool person, the normal person, you, me, he, she, it. It's simple and sketchy and cartoony and makes fun of what it is and what inspired it.

So what I'd like from you guys, assuming people are reading this, is feedback. Let me know if you like this or not, what you think of it, or give any constructive criticism. Again, it would be seriously helpful--I'm not sure if this will become a legit shirt, but depending on the direction of your honest responses, it might.


  1. I think that if the shirt were the right shade of grey and the wolves a nice cream color, it would look nice! To appeal to a wider female audience I would suggest a scoop neck and a either a more fitted tee or really loose fit tee. It would give the piece a more hip vibe. (if you can do that...I know you might just have to order it on a plain "Hanes" type t-shirt).

    Something else to consider...the top wolf looks a little out of place because he's howling above the moon rather than up towards the moon. Maybe you could place the third wolf a little closer down to the second?

    1. Hey Lindsey!

      I'm thinking an ash or heather gray for the shirts. And there are a lot of varieties for shirt styles I could choose from, so that's not a problem. Going for a classic, casual kind of shirt.

      And yeah, I get what you're saying about the top wolf. I would adjust it, though I'm trying to stay pretty true to the layout of the original. I think the angle of the top wolf could be shifted, that might help--I might be adding some minor details soon anyway so it's not too simple as per others' recommendations.

      Thanks a ton for your suggestions!
