Monday, December 10, 2012

Ice Cream Chinchillas!

Anyone like chinchillas? You should, because they're awesome. I used to have two. Best pets I ever had. So if you like chinchillas...or ice cream...or both (somehow the two are related) maybe you'll also like these. I've been asked to come up with some interesting shirt designs at work, and I figured I'd share a few of my ideas here. I've got more concepts I'd like to sketch up, but in the meantime enjoy this little trio:

Vanilla Chinchilla!
Chocolate Chinchilla!
Strawberry Chinchilla!

I honestly can't tell you exactly what triggered the whole "chinchillas as ice cream" idea--I think I just amused myself with the rhyming of "Vanilla Chinchilla" and figured, hey, might as well do other major ice cream flavors...even though they don't rhyme at all. But so what? Don't like vanilla? Have chocolate instead. Or strawberry.

Anyway. before I ramble, I'd really appreciate feedback on these first couple of shirt designs. It would seriously help a lot. Ice cream chinchillas...check 'em out before they melt!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Ganon, No Subtitle Needed

Ganon from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. With swords as long as you are tall and horns that could make a kebab out of a few dozen Hylians. He's a pretty nice guy.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

(A Stupidly Long) Absence

Wow, it's been a while. For the tons of readers (as in, 0), I apologize for having not posted a damn thing in months.

First off, I hope everyone is doing well after hurricane Sandy--to put it eloquently--got all up in the East Coast's grill this week. On a more serious note, I do wish everyone affected, regardless of the level of severity of their situation, the best.

Now, second, having just gotten my power back this evening after four days, I of course decided to get back here once again. A lot has happened since mid-summer, and I've got lot of topics I'd like to discuss and drawings and photos I want to share. So, if I finally manage to stay on top of this blog, those big 0 readers can expect much more from me. Possibly as soon as this weekend.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Designing Holidays

Don't expect me to always be this sentimental. But this post calls for it. Last year, just seconds before the Fourth of July, I became an aunt to the most amazing little niece, Shea. She has a bright smile that shows off her dimples, is wonderfully cheerful, and likes to play with my hat. She's all sorts of special, so from the day she was born I decided to use my design skills and make her greeting cards to celebrate each of her major "first holidays". I'm hoping someday when she's older, she can look at them and know how much she means to me (and maybe think her aunt is awesome).

This past Saturday we celebrated her first birthday, and as such I think now would be a fitting time to show off these cards.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ready, set...

...go. So this is my first post, and, well...I'm not quite sure how to formulate a proper introduction.

I'm just another one of the millions of bloggers out here in the big expanse of the internet, but still. I don't know why, but it seems kind of overwhelming.

Which is funny, considering I wanted to create a blog so I could feel a bit less overwhelmed. Really, I just wanted a space where I could sort of feel unrestrained--spread my wings, I suppose. I'll primarily be using this as an art/sketch blog, as well as a venue where I can discuss things like art and design in video games and topics along those lines. My official design website never felt like an appropriate venue for such things. I've been thinking about setting this up for quite a while in probably over a year. And I finally just went for it.

Maybe I should give a little disjointed background on myself. I'm a(n aspiring) graphic artist who is "addicted to aesthetics." Hence the blog name. I love art,design, and photography, and I find inspiration in everything. Though I'm not much of a musician (an amateur guitarist at best), music is a massive part of my life--it has pushed me through constant late nights and near-insurmountable obstacles. I also love video games and enjoy discussing elements of their design, especially in their visual and narrative qualities. Oh, and cartoons. Go ahead, call me immature, but Adventure Time is awesome. Besides, I can always say I'm "studying the visual medium of cartoons" as an excuse, though it is partially true. I prefer to not sit still for too long, I'm a night owl by nature, and I'm always disappointed in the low marshmallow-to-cereal ratio in Lucky Charms. I'm not a very interesting person, or at least I don't think I am, because anyone who mentions cereal ratios in their introduction can't be all that interesting. Maybe it would help if I wasn't eating Lucky Charms right now.

I think that's it. There is a lot I would like to post and share and discuss...but first things first, I have to sort through a few hundred photos I took of my friends at ConnectiCon. So many photos. In the meantime...Hi! And if you're reading this and still plan to stick around, thank you! Get addicted to aesthetics with me!